Strategic Planning

Global best practice for owner-operated businesses.

Clarity. Priority. Action.

Global best practice recognises that the incorporation of strategic planning into the operational DNA of business achieves the most dynamic, timely and therefore successful outcomes.

Strategic planning is a fantastic tool to achieve clarity, prioritisation, and actionable plans.

Today’s environment of constant change, volatility and competitive pressures, demands a robust and ever-evolving strategic plan focused on delivering successful outcomes.

We use proven methodologies and a wealth of experience to facilitate the development of a One Page Strategic Plan to cut through complexity and provide a framework for clarity and prioritisation. You can then focus on implementing the key actionable strategies for sustained success.

Using the concept of ‘Now-Where-How’ we help you to understand:

> what’s working and what’s not in your business NOW,
> clarify WHERE you want to be in the future, and
> determine the 3-4 key strategies on HOW to get there.

Our process also ensures you ‘learn through doing’ so you walk away with a clear plan, having learnt powerful tools to drive strategy implementation and build business capability. Integrated Strategic Planning is incorporated into our Exhilarating Business™ framework.

However, we understand capacity, capability, resources and need often require a stand-alone solution to ‘get the ball rolling’. So, we have adaptable stand-alone solutions to fit the needs of business owners at various stages of their business journey.

Half Day Workshop: This half-day workshop is ideal for a small business. Our process includes interviews with key stakeholders prior to the workshop, diagnostics and the writing up of the final report. We use business diagnostics tailored to the needs of each business scenario prior to the workshop to help fast-track the NOW aspect so time is focused on WHERE and HOW during the workshop. Pricing depends on level of depth, number of stakeholders to be interviewed, diagnostics needed and complexity of issues – contact us for a complimentary discovery meeting during which we can explore in detail exactly what you require.

Full Day Workshop: This full-day workshop is ideal for mid-sized businesses, includes interviews with stakeholders, diagnostics and writing up of the report. This full-day workshop is often split over two half days, with a week in-between, to allow for incubation of ideas. Pricing depends on the level of depth, number of stakeholders to be interviewed, diagnostics needed and complexity of issues- contact us for a complimentary discovery meeting during which we can explore in detail exactly what you require.

Two Day Planning Retreat: This corporate retreat is ideally suited for larger businesses with multiple teams including sales, production, operations, finance, and administration. The two-day event is designed for complex businesses and includes pre-interviews with business leaders and customised business diagnostics to gain a comprehensive and wide lens view of the current situation. This allows the planning days to be dedicated to strategy development and implementation planning. For optimal results, it is recommended to split the retreat over two days with a week in between to allow for the incubation of ideas. Pricing varies based on the depth of analysis, the number of stakeholders or leaders interviewed, the diagnostics needed, and the complexity of the issues – contact us for a complimentary discovery meeting during which we can explore in detail exactly what you require.

Regardless of the delivery model, all of our Strategic Planning sessions are a facilitated workshop style, led by an experienced business advisor. You are guaranteed to walk-away with a clear and concise ‘One Page Strategic Plan’ for your business with a clear vision and goals for the future.

Our Strategic Planning process is designed so you:

> Achieve clarity in your businesses competitive advantage,
> Develop strategies using powerful business tools,
> Prioritize your key issues,
> Drive strategies into specific actions,
> Allocate responsibilities and timelines for action items, and
> Learn a series of business tools to build ongoing capability to use in your business.

We also believe an idea is only as good as its implementation.

Therefore, before starting any Strategic Planning process, we recommend a Change Success diagnostic is completed. You can access our Change Success diagnostic now , so why not complete one so we can discuss it with you during our Discovery Meeting?

You can access our diagnostics here —> Business Diagnostics

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable.”

Lucius Annaeus Seneca